Reading Log (Comic)



Reading Log (Comic)

Identity: Muhammad Naufal Lazuardi (222122100) from Class C





Why I am interested to read

Questions before I read




Talentless Nana

This manga has a good story and an unpredictable plot. This story presents a mystery that is wrapped in an unexpected way, so that readers must think critically to guess it. That's why I interested on this.

Is this manga good for kids under 18 years? 




     Synopsis of The Story: In the near future, mysterious monsters known as the "Enemies of Humanity" begin to appear, and with it so do children with supernatural powers called the "Talented". To prepare them for the upcoming battle against these Enemies, all the Talented are sent to a school located on a deserted island, where they have all their daily needs provided for until they graduate and communication with the outside world is forbidden. One day, a new student named Nana Hiiragi arrives at the school. Her friendly and cheerful personality lets her quickly make friends with the class. In reality, however, Nana is a Talentless government assassin who has been dispatched to kill the Talented, whom the government deems to be the true Enemies of Humanity.

Day 1


Date: 7 February 2023



Title of Comic & Page

 Talentless Nana & Chap. 1 (p. 0-77)



 Hiiragi Nana, Nakajima Nanao, Onodera Kyouya, Iijima Moguo, Kouri Seiya,The Teacher, and Others.

Main points of the story

Is about the introduction of the isolated school in the middle of ocean. The school has students with superpower of their each other. At that time, the school was welcoming two new students, named Kyouya and Nana. Kyouya is a man who has a superpower just like the others and Nana is a girl from the city that come to the school for a certain mission. Upon their arrival, the story immediately panned to Nanao and Nana that currently in the process of electing a class president and Nanao is one of the candidates. In order to decide who are be able to being the Class President, Kyouya suggest that the candidates must be fight to each other and the winner would be the Class President. After class, Nana ask Nanao to show ins and outs of the Island and they arrived at the ravine. The tomorrow day is the day of fight and Nanao is the winner of that. Nana is happy for him, because being elected the class president. Sadly, in the end of the story Nana killed Nanao at the ravine.

New vocabularies found

 Talentless, Fascinating, Possess, Stirring, Blunt, Bragging, Persistent, Talkative, Nullify, Inferred, Casualties.


 I was shock by the first chapter. I thought that Nanao would be the main character here, but everything has changed at the end of the story.


Day 2


Date: 8 February 2023



Title of Comic & Page

Talentless Nana & Chap. 2 (p. 88-154)



Shibusawa Youhei, Hiiragi Nana, Onodera Kyouya, Iijima Moguo, Kouri Seiya, The Teacher, and Others.

Main points of the story

The story begin by telling the reason of Nana's mission to kill all the students in that school. To reach the mission Nana should approaching all the students to investigate what power their have.  In the morning, the class has a lesson to cross the log bridge, but the pool under the bridge got freezed by Kouri. This chapter, Nana get acquinted with Shibusawa, rumors says that Shibusawa is the strongest. Shibusawa has a power to return to the past. So, Nana planed to trap Shibusawa to investigate Nanao's dissapeared. But, Shibusawa get fooled by Nana that Nanao is getting attack by the enemy in the pool, so Shibusawa travel just before the pool get freezed by Kouri. Then, the pool get freeze and Shibusawa trapped in that pool forever.

New vocabularies found

Sporadically, Demise, Utterly, Hubris, Succumb, Firing, Merely, Infallible, Ditching, Fuss, Infiltrated, Fuzzy.


In this chapter I see that Nana is not an ordinary human, but she is equipped with a quick way of thinking, so her friends don't suspect her as the killer of their friends.


Day 3


Date: 9 February 2023



Title of Comic & Page

Talentless Nana & Chap. 3 (p. 155-186) 



Hiiragi Nana, Onodera Kyouya, Iijima Moguo, Kouri Seiya.

Main points of the story

It's been a few days since Nanao and Shibusawa are gone. Kyouya try to investigate this case to find the truth. Kyouya try to approach Nana, He invites Nana to go to his room after class and Nana accept it. They had a lot of conversation until Nana want home, Kyouya shows that he found Nakajima Nanao's watch. Nana caught by suprised, because of that watch was being used  by Nanao when he fell from the ravine.

New vocabularies found

Vulnerabilities, Exude, Vanquishing, Reining.


Even though Kyouya found Nanao's watch, I don't think he suspects Nana of Nakajima Nanao's murder at all.


Day 4


Date: 10 February 2023



Title of Comic & Page

Talentless Nana & Chap. 4 (p. 187-222)



Hiiragi Nana, Onodera Kyouya, Iijima Moguo, Kouri Seiya, The Teacher and Others.

Main points of the story

The story continues, Nana try to figure out what power Kyouya's have. So, she try to trap him in the place where Kyouya always feed a cat. Yesterday in his room, Nana realize that Kyouya doesn't have a sense of smell. So that, she planed to trap him in the room full of gas. When Kyouya try to warm the milk he bought for the cat. Suddenly, the room exploded. But, he can get out from that place even his clothes broke. Nana try get some help for Kyouya, but Kyouya told her that he doens't need a help, because his power is immortal.

New vocabularies found

Enrolled, Distress, Insurmountable, Culprit, Odors, Abruptly.


The story is getting more and more exciting. The resistence between Kyouya and Nana is getting lit.


Day 5


Date: 11 February 2023



Title of Comic & Page

Talentless Nana & Chap. 5 (p. 3-43)



Inukai Michiru, Hiiragi Nana, Onodera Kyouya, Iijima Moguo, Kouri Seiya,  

Main points of the story

 This chapter, Nana is wary of Kyouya, because Kyouya was cornered him for several times about Nakajima Nanao and Shibusawa Youhei losing. To avoid that, Nana try to approach Inukai Michiru who has a kind heart, so that Michiru will defend her if she get close to Michiru. Michiru has a power that she can heal any wound by linking it. After know the Michiru power, Nana toot the advantage of that to make a fake story, so Kyouya would doubt that Nana had killed Nanao dan Shibusawa. Nana get out the bed in the middle of the night and went to Michiru's room with bring knife, Kyouya was noticed that, but he doesn't noticed that she bring a knife. After come to Michiru's room, Nana wake up Michiru and told Michiru there is the enemy of humanity chasing her. Suddenly, Nana stab herself in the back, so that people will believe that Nana is not the murderer, but is the enemy of humanity. After all, Michiru save her by linking her wound. In the end, Nana has a plan to being a class leader, so it would be easy to her to carry out her mission.

New vocabularies found

Supposition, Ruckus, Undeniable, Afterwards.


Here I see Nana is very good at reading the situation and what she should do to avoid Kyouya prediction.

Find the unforgettable scene from the story!

It It is when Nana shows who she really is.

    After making a report, give your grade for the comic(s) you read!

   a. GOOD

   Reasons: I love this, so I give a good grades, because this manga has a unpredict plot, good stories, sequentical character recognition, plot twist. Beside of that, I like to read stories, if They make me think what will happen next. Regardless of how many characters die when I like the character, sometimes it that makes me feel upset. But after all this manga has a everything to be a good manga for me.

